Your diet plays a big part in your fitness regime – no matter how often you run or exercise, eating the rights foods in conjunction with your activity is vital for getting the most out of exercise and optimising performance. However, tasty and sometimes ‘cheat’ foods can be hard to resist. Salads don’t always cut it…
How sportswear is getting smarter
Most of us are so familiar with smart materials that it’s easy to forget just how brilliant they’ve been for innovation in sportswear. Smart materials are fabrics that alter their properties according to changes in the environment. You know those shirts that are marked “I never wrinkle”? Well, that’s an example of smart material in…
Running technique – get more air time
There are many much-discussed variables that affect running performance but one technique that’s often overlooked is ground contact time. In other words, the amount of time your foot stays in contact with the ground on every stride. When doing gait analysis (you know, when you get on a treadmill in a running shop and…
Review: WorkIt London bootcamp class
Last month, courtesy of Somuchmore, Racefully team member Tara attended a WorkIt morning Bootcamp class. This is what she thought: The studio: Henry Wood House When you head off to train at a gym in London, more often than not, you find yourself underground. WorkIt beats that stereotype by being on the second…
Losing & gaining weight – how it actually works
If you have a goal associated with your bodyweight, it’s either to lose, gain or maintain it, right? There are millions of different ways of achieving these goals, but they all revolve around the same scientific principles. Calories Everyone has uttered the word “calorie”, probably many times. But how many people actually know…