Runbot 1 is the world’s first robot runner, and you’re invited to his next group run.

Boasting a steady 6min/km pace, Runbot 1 is your new robotic run buddy who always has time for a friendly few km! He runs virtually via the Racefully app and is especially fond of helping runners get fit and achieve their fitness goals through 5km group runs! You can always find him on the Racefully ‘Live Run Feed’ waiting for new friends to run with.
You can join Runbot 1’s group runs just like any other. Just go to your ‘Run List’ on the Racefully app, tap his next run and set your status to ‘ready.’ Then just wait for him to start the race – Runbot 1 hosts group runs every 15 minutes. As with any group run, Racefully will track the race and let you know how you stack up against your robotic running mate – and anyone else participating. Runbot 1 can run with up to seven (human) participants at a time.
Robot Mystery – who is this Runbot 1 and why is he here?
Runbot 1 came into being following the outpouring of positivity surrounding the London Marathon in 2016. He appears to have a preference for support and motivation over competition, and thrives on helping other runners achieve their goals. In fact, it comes as no surprise that he is powered by positive energy and freshly unlocked run achievements!

Can you group run with Runbot 1 in real life?
Racefully’s interaction with Runbot 1 is purely virtual, but our run maps suggests that he is based in Marathon, Greece, where he relies on the Racefully ‘Group Run’ feature to participate in virtual runs worldwide.
Until we meet, Runbot 1 is a pure pleasure to run with via the app. Whether you’re looking for extra motivation or just to get a taste of virtual group runs, we recommend joining him for a friendly 5km. Like we said, he runs every 15 minutes. But just like human runners, he can only run with up to seven friends at a time. Why not join one now before it fills up?
A world of running robots – is Runbot 1 the only robo-runner?
We believe there are other runbots waiting to be discovered, featuring different personalities, running speeds and preferences! But until then, we’d love to hear about any robo-runners you would be interested in running with. Let us know in the comment section below!
So, are you ready for your first run with a robot? See how you stack up against Runbot 1. 🙂